
Psalm 68
5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
    is God in his holy dwelling.
6 God sets the lonely in families

The Story of the Child Healing Center

JUNE 2023:  Pastors Dominic and Charity started a bible study in their home.  Not only did the bible study quickly grow in to a church of 60, they noticed a gaping community need – school age children milling around the streets during the day, many joining gangs and doing drugs, mainly because they had no money to attend a school.

DECEMBER 2023: Dominic and Charity launched the Child Healing Center, simply as a place for children to come into a safe environment, receive education, a daily lunch, and moral and spiritual direction. There are currently 25 children coming every day, with five volunteer teachers and cooks investing their lives and money to make it happen.

APRIL-JUNE 2024: Foursquare Disaster Relief partnered with the local churches in South Sudan to contribute $9000 worth of food in Gorom Refugee Camp on the outskirts of Juba. This camp of 18,000 refugees are mainly Muslims from Khartoum and Darfur, fleeing civil war in Sudan. In addition to feeding people, many line up for prayer to receive healing and deliverance in Jesus name! Miriam, the camp leader for women and children, visited our Child Healing Center in Juba and immediately offered to give Foursquare 60 of the war orphans from Sudan.

The G.O. Charles Lasu, Pastor Dominic, and Pastor Aaron, prayed and believe the Lord led them to expand the Child Healing Center into a home for 30 total orphans (7 from the streets of Juba where we minister, 23 from Gorom Refugee Camp).  There are currently 30 monthly donors at $50/month to finance the daily operations of the Child.  

THE FUTURE: Our plan is to develop a healthy culture of healing and growth for these 30 children this year. As soon as we have the leadership and financial resources, and the leading of the Holy Spirit,  we plan to open second Healing Center home for more of the incoming war orphans in Gorom Refugee Camp.

If you would like to make a one time gift towards the development of the Child Healing Center, click here. (select “South Sudan: Child Healing Center”)

If you would like to be on the waiting list to become a monthly sponsor for Healing Center 2 in the future, contact Pastor Aaron at  aaron@m4church.com.

(The Foursquare Child Healing Center is a registered NGO in South Sudan.  Each child is has their identity and story verified by UNICEF, Committee for Refugee Affairs, and the government of South Sudan. 100% of every gift goes to The Child Healing Center.)